The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only.
All the photographs and images on this site are copyright.
All original photographs on this web site are copyright Antoine Buchet ©2016 – 2025.
All copyrights © remain with Antoine Buchet / A&S Pix (Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988).
With all copyrighted materials on this site, Antoine Buchet asserts his moral, commercial and intellectual rights to be known as the author of works produced.
No license is given nor granted in respect of the use of any copyrighted material on this site other than on Antoine Buchet’s website.
No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of the photographs contained on, other than activities such as downloading solely for your personal enjoyment. No parties/individuals visiting or viewing images from, may otherwise copy, modify, publish, transmit, or distribute the contents of the photographs found herein. Express written permission must be granted, on behalf of Antoine Buchet, in order to use these photographs for any purpose that is not outlined above.